Category Remote Learning

Create a Story

It’s fun to make up your own stories (in German and/or English). Story-telling can help pass the time on car journeys, or be a pleasant way to spend an afternoon lying on a picnic blanket, or create a rambling silly…

Birgit’s Nature Mandalas

Wenn ihr spazieren geht und in der Natur seid koennt ihr doch mal versuchen Mandalas zu machen. Es gibt viele Dinge mit denen man kreativ sein kann. Zum Beispiel: Blumen, Baumrinde, Blaetter, kleine Aeste. When you go for a walk…

Survival Tips From Families

In our phone calls to GAP families, we asked them to share some of their lockdown survival tips. Here are some of the tips. Alter your expectations and reframe what “a successful day” looks like.. Yes, you know you want…

Igelchen and Echidna Lesson

The little echidna pictured at the top of this blog lives in Canberra. I took a little video for the children, showing the echidna walking along. She has short bent legs, and it reminded me of a German children’s song…

Make a Crown

Paper crowns are super easy to make, and who doesn’t want to be a Queen, King, Prince or Princess for a day? Schön wäre es, Königin, König, Prinz oder Prinzessin zu sein! Lisa3 has kindly created a fancy crown template…

Vacuuming Paper Bits

Here’s an extremely simple and fun activity that children (3yrs and up) can do themselves. Give your child some paper, scissors, a straw and little container. Your child can cut the paper into little squares (or other shapes). For those…

Bohnenblumen: Bean Flowers

Spring is in the air and flowers are starting to appear! Maybe you can make flowers appear inside your house too… Join GAP Teacher Gerda in making some beautiful flowers and hearts using beans and lentils! Click on the link…