Giant Bubbles

Our Pfadfinder Joey scouts enjoyed making some giant bubbles, using special bubble mixture and bubble wands they made themselves.

Our cubs wanted to join in at the end too, and so they cleverly fashioned makeshift bubble wands out of loops of long grass.

There are two giant bubble mixture recipes below. For both recipes it is important to mix slowly so you don’t make it froth, and we were advised by experts that it is best to make the mixture a day or more ahead of time.

Recipe 1
1 teaspoon guar gum (you can get this from health food stores)
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol (you can get this from the chemist)
9.5 tablespoons dishwashing detergent (Fairy is the best brand)
3.5 litres of water

Recipe 2
1 teaspoon guar gum (you can get this from health food stores)
2 teaspoons glycerine (you can get this from the chemist)
1 teaspoon baking powder
6 tablespoons dishwashing detergent (Fairy is the best brand)
2 litres of water

Happy bubble making!

Thanks to our wonderful Joey scout leader Rakali for leading this amazing session!