Spielwelt German Parents Association is a not for profit organisation running children’s programs in German in Canberra
National Portrait Gallery Excursions
Last week, both of our GAP classes embarked on a very exciting and fun excursion to the National Portrait Gallery. After the children had been dropped off by their parents, we enjoyed our morning tea out in the sunshine and our picnic rug provided a good spot to fuel our energy for the upcoming 1-hour tour through the National Portrait Gallery.
In the foyer, the children were warmly greeted by Kate and her team, before the class was split into two groups. The educational program was tailored to children aged 3-5 years and offered lots of information about the selected portraits in a fun, engaging and interactive way which our little students enjoyed a lot.
The children especially enjoyed drawing and crafting their own art pieces. For instance, the groups got very creative when it came to designing their own crowns or when ‘decorating’ their pop-up bedrooms.
After the excursion the classes had some time to play around and to let the impressions settle in, before we made our way back to GAP by bus.
The bus ride got the children all excited which might have been the main highlight of the excursion.
All in all, everyone had a fantastic time at the National Portrait Gallery.
Special thanks to our Teachers, but also to our parent volunteers, as without their support and dedication this excursion wouldn’t have taken place. Also, thank you to Kate and her team at the NPG.