On the Radio

There are two radio stations broadcasting in German in Canberra. One is CMS Radio which is an enjoyable local community multicultural radio station, and the other is SBS Radio which is a highly regarded national radio station in Australia.

CMS Community Radio

Radio program in German

Monday 5 – 7 pm

Swiss Program (Dialect/German)

Email: swisscms@yahoo.com


Tuesday 8 – 10 pm

German/Austrian Program: Treffpunkt

Email: treffpunktcms@yahoo.com.au

Website: www.treffpunktcms.com


1CMS FM 91.1 MHz

Canberra Multicultural Service

27 Mulley Street, Holder ACT 2611

Ph.: (02) 6287 4347 / 6287 5591

Email: radio_cms@yahoo.com.au

Website: www.cmsradio.org.au

SBS Radio in German

SBS Radio’s German programs go to air on Monday to Sundays from 7pm to 8pm and can be heard on analogue radios on 105.5FM, online, mobile or on digital TV. Using the mobile and online versions, you can listen to the program after it has gone to air as well, if you miss it.