Spielwelt German Parents Association is a not for profit organisation running children’s programs in German in Canberra
Spielwelt is run by parents for children and their families. Our committee works hard to ensure that Spielwelt is running the best it can. To do this, we consider parent and teacher feedback when designing policies and procedures. The committee comprises parents with children across all our programs, and represents all families in all groups.
How do I raise a concern?
Parents are encouraged to talk to the teachers, leaders or director, or to put their concerns forward formally at a committee meeting.
What kind of response can I expect?
We endeavour to respond quickly and politely, with a resolution that is child-focussed.
Concerns about your own child specifically can be rasied with your child’s teacher or one of the leaders. All parents are able to talk to any teacher/leader about their child and you can pick the teacher/leader you (and your child) are most comfortable talking to.
Safety concerns should be immediately brought to the attention of the teacher/leader, and then to the director. Your concern will either be addressed on the spot or soon thereafter, or taken into consideration by the committee or the safety.officer@spielwelt.org.au.
Still not okay? If you do not feel comfortable talking to the teacher/leader, or are unsatisfied with the response and wish to escalate your concern, contact the director.
Who are our teachers/leaders, and when can I talk to them?
Teachers wear the GAP staff uniform so that they are easily identified by children and parents. A burgundy/red shirt, navy blue sun hat, and beige fleece is our staff uniform. Photographs and names of the teachers can be found on the bulletin board in the cloakroom, as well as the regular roster and their biographies.
Pfadfinder leaders are in blue shirts with the scout scarf.
Teachers/leaders are available to talk to parents at drop-off and pick-up times.
Parents are also able to request an appointment or phone conversation with teachers – simply ask your teacher.
During GAP sessions, quick messages can be left for teachers on 6257 7323.
Who is the director and how can I contact her?
Lisa is the director and is available any time for parents. The best way to contact her is by email to gap.director@spielwelt.org.au. During GAP hours, she can be contacted on 0422 525 646, or after hours on 6251 7743.
Who is on the committee and how can I contact them?
The committee comprises five people: a president, treasurer, enrolment officer, secretary and public officer. The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting every year, and is made up of parents from our playgroups, the GAP and Pfadfinder.
As GAP is our largest program, GAP parents usually make up the majority of the committee. The role of committee is largely to manage GAP policy, manage Spielwelt events and look after the venue, however the committee also exists to address parent enquiries and concerns. As parents of children in the programs, committee members are best placed to address these issues.
The committee photos are on the bulletin board, along with their names, contact details and the names of their children. To contact them, you can either talk to them at the hall, organise a meeting, email or call them. Or send an email to
committee.president@spielwelt.org.au .
Will there be any negative repercussions for my child, if I make a complaint?
Certainly not. If you wish to keep your concern confidential, we recommend sending an email to gap.director@spielwelt.org.au. If the director can not answer your concerns, she will pass an anonymous summary of your concerns to the teachers (if it is about procedures) or the committee (if it is about policies). Our director takes great care to remove any of your identifying data before passing it along, and does not discuss your identity with the committee or teachers (unless it is crucial to your case, of course).
Can I raise my concern anonymously?
Of course. You can use our online Spielwelt feedback form.
If I raise my concern anonymously, how will I know if/how my concern has been addressed?
If the committee gets an anonymous complaint or suggestion, it is discussed at the monthly committee meeting. A reply is posted on the bulletin board in the east foyer at the hall.
What if I have talked to the teachers, director and committee, but I am still not happy with the outcome?
Financial concerns can only be resolved by working with the committee.
Concerns regarding playschool policies and procedures or unresolved safety matters, can be taken up with our licensing advisor at the ACT government’s Children’s Policy and Regulation Unit.
If your concern is still unresolved, you can escalate it to the Children and Young People’s Commissioner’s office to help you work with the committee and find a solution.
The contact details for both these organisations are on the bulletin board in the cloakroom.
Can I come to a committee meeting to bring up my concerns?
Yes, you can. Just email committee.secretary@spielwelt.org.au. The committee meets once a month usually, on a weekday evening. You can join by phone, video call or in person. While most of our business is fairly routine, some of the business of the committee does involve confidential or sensitive matters, so it is likely you will be invited to attend during a particular time slot.