Spielwelt German Parents Association is a not for profit organisation running children’s programs in German in Canberra
As a not-for-profit organisation, Spielwelt is run by a committee of volunteers. Parents usually help out at events at least once or twice per term. Some parents volunteer as committee members and take up leadership positions.
We appreciate the involvement of all parents in our programs. Please don’t hesitate to contact the committee president or email our volunteer.coordinator@spielwelt.org.au to find out where you can support your child’s programs.
President: committee.president@spielwelt.org.au Tobias B (GAP rep)
Secretary: committee.secretary@spielwelt.org.au Currently vacant
Finance: committee.finance.adviser@spielwelt.org.au Sebastian D (S&S rep)
Enrolments: committee.enrolment.adviser@spielwelt.org.au Lisa B (GAP rep)
Public Officer: committee.public.officer@spielwelt.org.au Chris M (Special Events rep)
Plus general committee members: Alice K (Pfadfinder rep), Martine M (Pfadfinder rep), Gerald W (Special Events rep)
Spiel und Spass: spiel.und.spass@spielwelt.org.au Maelia D / Tamsin S
Spiel und Spannung: spiel.und.spannung@spielwelt.org.au Doris G
GAP Director: gap.director@spielwelt.org.au Jane N
Pfadfinder leaders and adult helpers (and Scouting nicknames) :
- Jens (Balu)
- Alice (Rakali)
- Wolfgang (Wolf)
- Swantje
- Adult helpers: Emily K, Christine H, Melanie, Ivo, Ashleigh, Uli, Silke U, Esther and many more
- Group Leader – Lisa (Tschil)
…. and YOU! Parents are asked to help out at least once or twice per term, if they can.
Being a Pfadfinder leader is a rewarding and exciting role!
We would love to have you join us as a leader, committee member, or help in any way you like. Talk to our volunteer.coordinator@spielwelt.org.au