Spielwelt German Parents Association is a not for profit organisation running children’s programs in German in Canberra
Help us reach our goals! There are various ways to help raise funds for Spielwelt. We ask that families support Spielwelt in the ways that appeal to them the most.
In addition to our fundraising events, families are free to come up with their own ways to support our programs, too, of course. (Someone recently donated a second-hand BBQ to us, for example…. you can come and reap the benefits of that at our Special Events!)
Cake and Baked Goods Stall:
We will let families know when our cake stall is to be held, then you can get busy baking with your children! Need ideas? A cake, a slice, some cookies, gingerbread men, muffins, a loaf of bread, bread rolls or bread sticks, pizza bases, banana bread, home-made muesli bars, cake pops, popcorn bags, pretzels… whatever you like.
Mango Sales:
Mangoes will be available in late October/early November and are sold by the tray. The mangoes last year were huge and delicious. Spielwelt gets a couple of dollars per tray, and families agreed the mangoes were good value for money. If you can convince your family/neighbours/colleagues to purchase boxes through you too, then it helps to raise more funds. Our fundraising coordinator will provide the link to our online sign up sheet when it is time to start ordering; or you can ask us for the link any time by emailing our fundraising coordinator on fundraising@spielwelt.org.au
GAP Portraits & Class Photographs:
Our delightful children’s photographs will taken be in Term 4, and will cost $10 per individual portrait and $10 for a GAP class photograph. You get the electronic copy in time to print and/or send to your family and friends for Christmas. We run this fundraiser whenever we have a professional photographer as one of our parents, who is willing to generously offered their time for free for this project. We have the photos available to preview (on a laptop at the hall), so that families can order their photos online on our photo sign up sheet. You can email us on fundraising@spielwelt.org.au for the link to that sign up sheet and the payment instructions any time.
Cash Donations in-lieu of Bunnings BBQ:
In response to our parent survey, we welcome cash donations instead of parents spending their precious family time standing at a Bunnings BBQ. (For those of you who love to BBQ, come along to our special events and sizzle proper German sausages for an especially appreciative audience!) Families surveyed in 2016 felt that cash donations of $20, $30 or $50 would be appropriate, but the amount is entirely up to each family. Our bank account details for donations are different to your normal term fee account. They are:
Spielwelt German Parents Association (Overall account)
BSB: 032778
Account number: 357314
Donations to Pfadfinder are tax deductible, so if you would like a tax deductible receipt, please make your donation to the Pfadfinder account and send an email to request a receipt, to pfadi.treasurer@spielwelt.org.au
Scouts Aust ACT Pfadfinder Scouts
BSB: 032778
Account number: 334067
Chocolate Sales:
Chocolate sales will be discontinued at Spielwelt from August 2018, for health, environmental and ethical reasons. This is part of our “Keen to be Green” program.
Where will the funds go?
Our term fees pay for the rent, insurance, teacher salaries, craft supplies and administration. Anything extra requires fundraising. In past years, our extras were things like capital improvements to the hall, paint, tiles, library books, outdoor toys, our new energy efficient heaters/air conditioning, and our LED lights. Some of these installation costs are covered by ACT-Smart Energy rebates or ACT government grants, but we must cover the rest of the costs ourselves. We spend fundraising money on items that will benefit all our children’s programs (or better yet, all hall users).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our fundraising coordinator on fundraising.coordinator@spielwelt.org.au