Category GAP

The Great Australian Picnic

At the GAP, we love to give the children simple old-fashioned experiences: We are helping them build memories of a fun and joyful childhood spent with friends in the sunshine and fresh air. Last week, we took our wagon, some…

Nikolaus at GAP in 2020

Der Nikolaus war da!  The children had a really lovely visit from Nikolaus this week and since parents couldn’t attend this year, I thought I’d share this blog with you.  The day before our visit from Nikolaus, we baked and decorated…

GAP Lantern Walk

The GAP children enjoyed creating their own lanterns this year, out of recycled materials and sticks from the park. We added a tea light candle and some ribbon, and took them out in the park to test them out. We…

Wiradjuri Echoes Delight Us Again

Duncan and Jacita of Wiradjuri Echoes aboriginal education group always give us such an energetic and powerful presentation. We learn about artefacts, we laugh at Duncan’s funny jokes, we sing Wiradjuri songs with Jacita to Duncan’s traditional music, we get…

We love animals

The GAP children were delighted to meet Louie, a super friendly dog, who came to wag his tail for the children and answer all their dog related (and many non-dog related) questions!

Our Own Floriade

Organisations across Canberra were invited to host a little bit of Floriade in their own communities in 2020. Our venturer scouts had recently designed, created and installed window boxes for us, so we had the perfect spot for some Spring…

Whole Day at the Arboretum

At the GAP, we absolutely love the arboretum and our favourite guide, Heather. This year we decided to stay a whole day there, so we had six glorious hours amongst the trees, in the sunshine and fresh air. We had…