Category GAP

Wer will fleissige Handwerker sehen

We were delighted to have one of our dads visit us with his apprentice today, to talk to the children about what it is like to be a carpenter and builder. The builders talked to us about safety and we…

Building Children’s Self Esteem

Our teachers are masters when it comes to helping children build their self-esteem and public speaking skills.  Mystery box, show & tell, our birthday traditions, concerts, in-house mini concerts, and presentations are much looked forward to by the children, but…

Angus the RSPCA Puppy Visits GAP

The GAP children were very excited to meet Angus the puppy, who visited us with the RSPCA’s Education Officer today.   We learned about what the RSPCA does, how we can care for our pets, how to approach dogs who…

Occupations Weeks at GAP

The GAP children have been learning all about occupations in our community.   Some of our parents offered to come in and tell us about the interesting jobs they have. During a visit from an Australian Army dad, we got…

Musical Michelle’s visit to GAP

The children and teachers at the GAP thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Michelle the very talented music teacher today. We learned new songs, sang a few old favourites; we danced to different styles of music; we played instruments; we heard…

Science Weeks at GAP

The children at the GAP are enjoying our science weeks.  They have been experimenting with liquids and solids, and mixing them together. What happens when you drop a pebble into water? What about salt in water? What about water into…

Happy Hopping at GAP today!

The children and teachers were delighted to host guest speaker Anke Maria – a local German biologist from ACT Frogwatch – today.  We got to meet and hear from many of her froggy friends, and learn about their habits and…