Nature Arm Bands

Here’s a fun activity to do on your one-hour walk or in your backyard, brought to you by our lovely GAP teacher, Birgit. It is another opportunity to appreciate nature. (Try to limit your collection to items that have already fallen to the ground though, rather than taking leaves from trees or plucking flowers that nature is still using.)

Natur Armband

Einfach ein breites Stueck Abdeckband (masking tape) um deine Hand oder den Fuss geben. Die klebrige Seite sollte aussen sein. Wenn ihr dann spazieren geht koennt ihr es mit Blumen, Blaettern, Baumrinde, usw. verzieren.

Nature Arm Band

Take a piece of masking tape (as wide as you can) and wrap it around your wrist or ankle, with the sticky side out. When you go on your walk, you can decorate your arm band with little flowers, leaves, bark, etc., that you find on the way.