Category GAP

Alle Leut Song

The GAP children will all be familiar with our end-of-the-day song, “Alle Leut’”. Here’s your GAP Director performing an updated version of Alle Leut (incredibly poorly) for you. (At least Truffle had an idea of what my singing might be…

Verstecken with Truffle

We tried to think of ways to keep the children familiar with the venue at GAP, and remind them of what it is like there. I hope you enjoy our game of Verstecken (hide and seek) with Truffle. Usually at…

Guten Morgen GAP Roll Call

We thought the GAP children might like personal greetings to start their day! Here is our morning greeting for the MondayTuesday class and the ThursdayFriday class. (Apologies if I missed your child’s name. Trying to keep up with Gerda’s GAP-at-home…

Mail Lesson 2

One of our GAP families told us they went for a really long walk in their neighbourhood, looking at all the mailboxes they could find! They loved finding different styles of mailbox, and naming the shapes (Formen) they could see…

Gerda Reads Heule Eule

The “Heule Eule” (howl owl) book by Paul Friester is an all time favourite in both GAP classes, Gerda has made a video of it for you! Email for the link (available to Spielwelt parents only). We are grateful…

Maus Tag – Mouse Day

By special request from one of our children, here are some mouse themed activities and a mouse story for you! Mouse Story:Here’s Opa Chris reading the German classic, Frederick die Maus.  Mice Fingerprint Pictures:If you have paint or an ink stamp…

Truffle Misses You Too

Some of the GAP children who remember Truffle (our playschool therapy dog) from last year have requested some photos of her. Here she is, just for you! Just like the teachers, Truffle is busy playing GAP-at-home, going for long walks,…