Category GAP

More recycling at Spielwelt

You may have noticed a few extra bins around at the Turner Scout Hall, in the kitchen and the new foyer.  We are making it easier for families to be greener… which is very German, so embrace the programs and…


Sometimes the children’s interests takes our curriculum in all sorts of directions.   There has been an interest in clocks and time lately in the Monday/Tuesday class, so we decided to create our own clocks.  We have heard stories with clocks…

Architect visit

During our occupations theme, we were lucky to have Serge (one of our dads) visit the Monday/Tuesday GAP class to tell us about his work as an architect.  First we had the chance to check out pictures of some of…

Lantern Walk 2018

Sankt Martin was seen galloping about on his trusty horse on Sunday night in Haig Park, amidst the many children and families with their beautiful lanterns, at this year’s German Lantern Walk. Many Spielwelt families and their guests rugged up…


The children at the GAP have been learning about various occupations in our community. They enjoyed baking and selling their delicacies at the Lecker Baeckerei bakery, styling our teachers at Fritz Frisur’s hairdressing shop, selling goods at our grocery shop,…

Bake Sale: the Sweet Taste of Success

A big thank you to all those who volunteered their time and cooked, baked and donated lovely baked treats; and to those who volunteered their time to manage the cake stall last Sunday. We had a lovely sunny start to…

Sweet chefs at GAP

The Thursday/Friday GAP children have been busy refining their Austrian/German culinary skills. There are so many ingredients to learn the German names of,  and to smell, examine, discuss, weigh, measure, stir, pour, and taste when baking at the GAP! The class…