Category GAP

Sensory Game

Here’s another great game! It’s another good one for German vocabulary, too. Wie wäre es mit einem einfachen, aber lustigen Tastsinn-Spiel? (How about a simple but fun touch sensory game?) Du brauchst mindestens 6 verschiedene kleine Gegenstände, z.B. (You need…

Faltspiel – Chatterbox

Our crafty and clever Lisa3 has a fun craft activity for you, to make something you can play with, and keep up with speaking German! Younger children will need help from Mama or Papa or a big brother or sister,…

Friederikes Pfannkuchen

At today’s GAP Morgenkreis Online, the Thursday Friday class talked about Friederike’s German pancake recipe. Now you can make them at home too! Whether you call them Pfannkuchen (the official spelling), Pfannekuchen or Pfannenkuchen, they are just as delicious. Zutaten…

Seifenblasen – Bubbles (Part 2)

Did you enjoy part one of our bubble fun? Ready to ramp up your bubble production? Here’s part two: Bubble Socks! Diese Dinge brauchst du (What you’ll need): einen Behälter mit flachem Boden (a container with a flat bottom) einen…

Seifenblasen – Bubbles (part 1)

Too noisy indoors after yesterday’s craft? Time to get outdoors (or into the bath) to make some beautiful bubbles! Here’s another opportunity to read the German instructions together with your child. Lots of the bubble mix recipes online involve glycerin,…

Rattles and Shakers

Day 25 of lockdown in Canberra. Are your children driving you crazy yet? NEIN?! No? Well, perhaps it is time to ramp up the noise levels at home! We have made rattles and shakers at GAP and playgroup before, and…

Playgroups are Wunderbar

Looking for more fun at home for your 0-5 year olds? Our German playgroups are now meeting over Zoom on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. GAP and Schlaumaeuse families with children 0-5years old have been invited to join them and share the…